EDGEy Wednesday : Reimagining philanthropy’s role in supporting social justice movements

Wednesday, May 15 at 2pm UTC

Voqal and Code for Science and Society

Movement leaders risk everything to organize communities in the fight against global injustices. Funders often support the collective cause yet stop at providing crucial resources to care for frontline individuals who jeopardize their freedom and lives in service of the greater good. We will host an interactive discussion about the types of care philanthropy can and should provide to best support these leaders at the forefront of social justice movements in 2024 rather than follow reductive patterns. We will explore a potential reframing of fellowships and programs to center care, mitigate risk, and hold the line for movement leaders to equip them with the fortitude, encouragement, and resources necessary to confront the state and win for their people.

Together, we will ground in what’s happening before participating in activities to focus our energies on funder practices and implementation to start this transformation. We will workshop ideas on how fellowship and grantmaking programs can expand, so please bring anything you are working on for group brainstorming and refining.


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