El dinero importa: Serie de seminarios web #EDGEtalk sobre inversión ética

(the Money Matters webinar series is now over – you can find the links to video recordings, presentations and blog posts below)

EthicalInvestmentAt the COP21 in Paris in December 2015, the world’s nations agreed the end of an era: The fossil fuel based global economic system is coming to an end.

While there is an ever-growing momentum around the de-carbonisation of investments, there is little common understanding on how these funds should be re-invested in order to support the transition to a just and sustainable economic system. Foundations could lead the way in showing that ethical and sustainable investments can have a major impact on delivering on the pathway that the Paris agreement has paved. However, the EDGE funders Alliance wants to go one step further: It’s not just about divesting from fossil fuels. Alternative investments should incorporate a justice lens in all investment and live up to the ethics and values of philanthropy, as formulated in vision and mission statements – the emergence of a system that not only respects planetary boundaries, but also addresses growing inequalities and global justice.

In order to open a conversation around the question on how investments can have a meaningful impact in support of the foundation’s vision and mission, while respecting the financial imperative of liquidity, security and profitability, EDGE Funders Alliance, in partnership with the Ariadne Network and Europeans for DivestInvest, hosted a series of webinars. These conversations looked at the question of “ethical investment” from different angles, allow to deepen the discussion and help foundations in the process of considering the impact and ethical dimension of their investment portfolios.

The #EDGEtalk webinar series was a space for dialogue on the rationale and practices of ethical investment for foundations. It provided foundations with meaningful, up-to-date and independent information on ethical investment, created a space for peer exchange and learning, and informed the future work of the EDGE Ethical Investment working group.


In cooperation with:


DI-Europe                         DI-Philanthropy